Verify if a number can receive WhatsApp messages

WhatsApp number free validator

This tool was created using our API. Sign up to validate more phone numbers

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Please enter a valid phone number with the international country prefix. Example: +19112304123

Enter the phone number to validate with the international country prefix code. E.g: if the country code is +1 and WhatsApp number is 9112304123, then type +19112304123

The given number is not valid. Please enter a valid phone number with the international country prefix. Example: +19112304123

Invalid security validation. Please reload the page and try again.

You have reached the maximum free number validations. Sign up to validate more numbers.

An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.


{{ }}

{{ }}

{{ }} {{ || '' }} ({{ || '+' }})

{{ }} ({{ ||}})

{{ => c.toUpperCase()).join(', ') }}

{{ moment().tz([0]).format('HH:mm') }} ({{[0] }})

Bulk number validation? No problem!

With a Wassenger account you can validate thousands of phone numbers easily and automatically using the API. Learn more in the tutorial below:

Automate your workflow = More productivity + Happier customers

Let Wassenger handle the tough stuff while you focus on your business goals.

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Send instant replies and automate actions when you receive voice or video calls.

  • Send an automatic message when you receive a call
  • Optionally reject incoming voice or video calls automatically
  • Automatically add labels to contacts that called you
  • Optionally exclude contacts for automatic reply and call rejection
I want to try this feature

Simplify workload management by letting our algorithm evenly distribute incoming chats among team members, based on your defined rules.

  • Include or exclude offline team members
  • Automatically add labels to automatically assigned chats
  • Reassign resolved chats if the original owner is not available
  • Automatically assign new incoming chats
  • Automatically unassign chats if no other user is available
  • Optionally exclude entire user roles or specific team members
I want to start now
Click on the image to see the full size

Leverage the most cutting-edge AI technology for swift, contextually aware conversation response predictions

  • Generate responses based on the context of the conversation
  • Most easy to use AI that is one click away
  • Use the pioneer AI technology that powers ChatGPT
  • Generate responses in seconds in any language
  • Increase team productivity by reducing typing time
I want to join the future
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Click on the image to see the full size

A personalized greeting can make your business stand out from the competition and can go a long way in building customer loyalty.

  • Customize your welcome message with emojis and images
  • Configure the message frequency from 1 day up to 60 days
  • Automatically add labels to new contacts
  • Exclude chats if already assigned or resolved
  • Optionally exclude individual contacts by phone number
Sign up now for free

Maintain communication with your customers using our out-of-office message feature to avoid missing any significant messages.

  • Reply to incoming messages that arrive outside of your business hours with text and media
  • Configure specific weekdays and timeframes when this automation is enabled
  • Include specific days and holidays
  • Exclude chats if pending, already assigned or resolved
  • Optionally exclude contacts by phone number
  • Optionally add labels to the automatically replied chat
  • Send message only to chats with specific labels
Click on the image to see the full size
Click on the image to see the full size

Minimize customer wait times: deploy automatic chat messages during peak hours to increase team efficiency and enhance customer satisfaction.

  • Send text and media messages
  • Automatically message customers if they have been waiting for more than 3 minutes
  • Automatically add labels to contacted users
  • Exclude chats if they are pending, assigned or resolved
  • Optionally exclude individual contacts by phone number
Start the free trial

Maintain customer engagement and provide timely updates through follow-up chat messages.

  • Send text and media messages
  • Set a follow-up timeframe policy from 24 hours to 7 days from the last message
  • Automatically add labels to new contacts
  • Exclude chats if pending, already assigned or resolved
  • Optionally exclude contacts by phone number
Click on the image to see the full size


You can validate whether a given phone number exists in WhatsApp or not, and therefore can receive messages in WhatsApp, by using theNumber exists API endpoint. Please note you must have at least one WhatsApp number connected to the platform in order to perform the validation.
We provide theNumber exists API endpoint.that allows you to validate theE164format up to 500 phone numbers per API request. This API endpoint has no limit and can be called with no additional cost.
Please note this validation only does validate of the given phone number format is valid or not, but it will not validate whether it's linked or not to an existing WhatsApp account.
For WhatsApp numbers existing validation please check the article below.
You can validate if a given phone number is linked to a WhatsApp account and there can receive messages. TheAPI provides an endpointthat can validate whether a given phone number does exists in WhatsApp or not.

The only requirement is to have at least one WhatsApp number connected to the platform in your current account.

For more details, please check out theAPI endpoint documentation here.

WhatsApp number checks are limits per plan

Before you check if phone number does exists on WhatsApp, you can also validate and normalize the format of a list of phone numbers by using the numbersvalidator API endpoint.This endpoint only validates the correctE164 format,but it does not check whether if the phone number effectivly exists on WhatsApp or not.
Our system works exactly the same whether you have a Personal or a Business WhatsApp account.
Yes, you can! Once you have connected your WhatsApp number to the platform, you can validate up to from 2,000 up to 50,000 numbers per month using the API, depending on your subscription plan. For more information please see the Pricing table.